The Six Pillars of Strength
The State University of New York at Geneseo otherwise known as SUNY Geneseo is an extraordinary university locale. To some individuals, this location is a small location on a New York State map with little importance. However, to the members of this organization SUNY Geneseo has great significance, it is our motherland. A predominantly Caucasian campus with a diminutive minority population was the driving force behind our Six Pillars of Strength, to eagerly seek commonality, cultural identity and growth of mind. They aspired to address, combat, and earnestly attempt a resolution to the increasing complexity and seriousness of womanhood problems, in particularly those of Latinas. Their desires led them the Lambda Way to experience the unknown. They had a great deal of faith, vision and ambition in their capabilities and believed that as a closer support system they would provide others, especially Latinas, with the strength to succeed. Through sacrifices and struggles they confronted challenges of women of color by providing a sisterly network of strength, substantiality and empowerment. Defying social and political boundaries, on November 6, 1992 they succeeded in creating a new path in which women of all walks of life can follow.
Members of Lambda Pi Upsilon Sorority, Latinas Poderosas Unidas, Inc. uphold the following six founding principles: Family, Advancement, Education, Motivation, Learning and Exposure. Throughout the years, we have maintained such dedication to these principles and earnestly seek quality members to develop the organization at various universities and colleges. Lambda Pi Upsilon Sorority, Latinas Poderosas Unidas Incorporated is proud to be one of the youngest Latina based, all inclusive greek lettered organizations in the country. We recognize and appreciate that our Six Pillars of Strength created the foundation for our Hermandad to be everlasting, which is why it is a special relationship that must always be nurtured. Our commitment to education, cultural awareness, family and above all each other guarantees our Legacy.
Hermanas Para Siempre Con Amor, Dignidad Y Orgullo!

Founding Mother #1
Sandra Mosquera-Valerio
Big Sister Attitude
Colombian Descent

Founding Mother #4
Glorivy Arce
Big Sister Mercurio
Puerto Rican Descent
Founding Mother #3
Maria Fritz-Rodriguez
Big Sister All That
Colombian / German Descent
Founding Mother #2
Lisette Pineda
Big Sister Silent Storm
Mexican Descent
Founding Mother #5
Ebony Robinson
Big Sister Expression
African American Descent

Founding Mother #6
Nancy Martinez
Big Sister Jazz
Puerto Rican Descent